Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Lambda Eta Omega Chapter

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Lambda Eta Omega Chapter

Back Row (L to R): Barbara Jones, Beulah Harrell, Bertha Williams, Florence Weatherly, Thelma Alexander, Deborah Allen, Mildred Donald
Front Row (L to R); Eloise Turk (Basileus), Charlena Hughes, Linda Hill, Yvonne Beard, Doretha White
*Not Pictured – Alice Presley, Evon Simmons, Paulette Ford Lipscomb
Lambda Eta Omega Chapter Serving with a Vision and Purpose is the historical prospective of Lambda Eta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated that is located in Gadsden, Alabama. As part of the South Eastern Region, a graduate chapter was established approximately 42 years ago by several trailblazers who had a vision and who began paving the way for other young African American woman to be able to join such a distinct group of women. The trailblazers are known as the charter members of Lambda Eta Omega. The charters members are Eloise O. Turk, Basileus, Charlene Hughes, Anti-Basileus, Paulette Ford, Grammateus, Doretha White, Anti-Grammateus, Bertha Williams, Epistoleus, Alice Presley, Tamiouchos, Thelma Alexander, Hodegos, Beulah Harrell, Ivy Leaf Reporter, Barbara Jones, Dean of Pledges, Deborah Allen, Co-Dean of Pledges, Linda Sue Hill. Chaplain, Mildred Donald, Parliamentarian, Yvonne Beard, Member, Evon Simmons, Member and Florence Weatherly, Member.
In the beginning of Lambda Eta Omega Chapter, contact was made with the South Eastern Regional Director, Savannah Jones, and the National Office on the necessary steps to take to become a viable graduate chapter. The group was given detailed information on the procedures to follow to establish a chapter. This included becoming financially active with the National Office and drafting a constitution that was in compliance with the national constitution and by-laws. All fifteen ladies had to remit to the National Office reactivation fees for approval. Once this was granted, the group began to work. A constitution and by-laws committed was selected. Many long hours and days were spent writing and revising. Finally, the finished product was submitted to the National Office for approval. It was later returned because certain sections of it were in conflict with the national constitution, according to Anne Mitchem Davis, the Executive Director of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. The committee sought help from the Anniston Chapter. A copy of their constitution was used as a guide.
There was a need to raise funds and become visible in the community. The chapter’s first fundraiser was an event were the Charlie Nelms Singers performed. This event was held on March 21, 1976 at the Downtown Recreation Center. The event was a success and $654.00 was raised. The success of this event propelled the group to plan other activities such as A Charm Clinic for teenagers, regular meetings for the group to meet on the Second Saturday of each month, a family outing (cookout) and a Chartering Ceremony that was held on Saturday, October 23, 1976. For the Chartering Ceremony there were invitations mailed to 59 chapters in the South Eastern Region and to the 22 members on the Directorate. The group was off to a good start and realized that most of their funds were depleted. The first order of business was to plan a successful fundraiser. The group was also expected to support the national projects: NAACP, UNCF, Job Corps and The Right to Read Program and sponsor local projects.
Today we still work with some of the same activities and projects. Our current international programs are Target 1: HBCU for Life: A Call to Action – Signature Program: #CAPSM, Target 2: Women’s Healthcare and Wellness (Breast Cancer Awareness and Prevention, Heart Health and Nutrition and Wellness), Target 3: Building Your Economic Legacy (Personal Financial Planning and Asset Accumulation), Target 4: The Arts and Target 5: Global Impact.
The Chapter initiated ten new members after having been chartered for only two years. Thirty-eight years after the chartering of Lambda Eta Omega, seven membership intakes have taken place. The intake years: 1978, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1998, 2005, 2013 and 2017. The Chapter has grown from a membership of 15 to a total of 86 members.
Lambda Eta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. © 2021
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