• Lambda Eta Omega Scholarship

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  • Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Lambda Eta Omega Chapter in partnership with Ivy and Pearls Community Advancement Foundation is awarding up to $10,0000 in scholarships to deserving Gadsden/Etowah County area students!


    Our scholarships are awarded for Academic Merit and Need Base to college-bound high school seniors to help defray college education expenses. We will award scholarships to students who plan to attend a Historically Black College or University (HBCU), scholarships to students who plan to attend a UNCF institute https://uncf.org/member-colleges/, need-based scholarships, and scholarships awarded for Academic Merit. Additionally, we will select one (1) recipient pursuing a career in education to receive a scholarship. Our goal is to award scholarships on academic merit and community service to those students who have earned the best academic credentials and also have provided a need for assistance to further their education.


    The application is available below. We must receive the completed application package electronically no later than

    Sunday, April 17th, 2022 to be considered eligible. Note: transcripts may be sent electronically ONLY by school counselor/school official to scholarships.lambdaetaomega@gmail.com


    Applicants for award consideration must complete all parts of the application and return on or before the due date prior to the final selection of an award recipient. Recipients will be notified by phone and letter once a decision has been made. Proof of college attendance must be sent to the chapter prior to the award payment.


    If you have questions, please email them to scholarships.lambdaetaomega@gmail.com.